Everest Calling

The Irish Journey

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Everest Calling (1994) was an account of the first Irish ascent of Everest in 1993. On 27 May 1993 Dawson Stelfox became the first Irish person to reach the summit following the route used by Mallory and Irvine in 1924. That first success sparked off a fever of adventure. This updated edition recalls that groundbreaking success. It also chronicles many exploits since, including the first Irishwoman to summit on Everest, Clare O?Leary, and Pat Falvey, who climbed it by two different routes.
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Cordee Code: CNE045
Page Size: 165 x 240 mm
No of Pages: 216
Publisher: Collins Press
ISBN13: 9781848891630
Author: Lorna Siggins
Language: English
Peak: Everest
Published Date: October 1996
Edition: 2nd, 2013
Binding: Hardback
Illustrations: Colour Photographs
Weight: 740g
Geoarea: Himalaya
Product Type: simple
Countries: Nepal
Everest Calling (1994) was an account of the first Irish ascent of Everest in 1993. On 27 May 1993 Dawson Stelfox became the first Irish person to reach the summit following the route used by Mallory and Irvine in 1924. That first success sparked off a fever of adventure. This updated edition recalls that groundbreaking success. It also chronicles many exploits since, including the first Irishwoman to summit on Everest, Clare O?Leary, and Pat Falvey, who climbed it by two different routes. In 2012 Noel Hanna completed his fifth Everest ascent.Other highlights include ascents of Lhotse, Cho Oyu, Kanchenjunga, K2 and Broad Peak. Mike Barry became the first Irish person to walk to the South Pole while an Irish crew completed the first east?west circumnavigation of the Arctic in a small yacht. Members of the first Everest expedition still climb and Irish adventurers continue to attempt objectives such as the North Pole. In conclusion, the author reflects on the perspectives of the original eight climbers and on how a trend towards individual achievement, twinned with commercialisation of sport in western society, has left its own mark on the Himalaya.
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